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Your Ride To And From Work Or School


CTA provides roundtrip van pool shuttle services for commuters going to and from work or school every day.  If your commute is forty miles round trip per day, your average cost for gas is $320 per month.  CTA will help lower your cost of gas, maintenance, and insurance while improving travel time and air quality.    Monthly roundtrip (RT) fares are listed below:


FaresRT MilesMonthlyWeeklyDaily
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5

Monthly payment plan available.



Customer Testimonials

Why I Ride CTA?

  • Patricia Tafoya, Penske Automotive, I want to save gas and the wear and tear on my car. It is convenient, no fighting the traffic.
  • Wardell Hooks, All Staff Services, I have no other form of transportation. There are no buses that run for my work hours.
  • Corry Douglas, Veterans Administration, we are a one car household. It makes it convenient for my spouse and I to commute to and from work everyday.

Passengers Can Expect:

  1. A safe and reliable round trip commute to and from work or school everyday.
  2. To be picked up from home or a convenient Park & Ride location.
  3. Arrive to work 15 minutes before time.
  4. To pay a monthly fare based on daily round trip miles.
  5. To ride in vans that comfortably seat fifteen passengers.
  6. Service to Phoenix and 14 surrounding cities for all shifts six days per week.
  7. Employees should plan to schedule their route in advance by completing the trip planner online at azcta.com.
Click here to map out your route and monthly fare.